En APK-nedrivning af WhatsApp beta har afsløret nye strenge, der tyder på, at messenger snart vil modtage Novi-integration til betalinger.
Mod slutningen af sidste måned opdagede vi nogle nye strenge i en APK-nedrivning af WhatsApp v2.21.22.6 beta. Strengene antydede, at WhatsApp måske snart kræve identitetsbekræftelse for betalinger. Mens WhatsApp India efterfølgende udsendte en erklæring, der hævdede, at det ikke krævede identitetsbekræftelse i Indien, vi har nu set nogle beviser, der tyder på, at messengeren kan kræve, at brugere indsender dokumenter i andre regioner. Identitetsbekræftelsen ser dog ud til at være relateret til den kommende Novi wallet-integration og ikke WhatsApps nuværende betalingstilbud.
En APK-teardown kan ofte forudsige funktioner, der kan ankomme i en fremtidig opdatering af en applikation, men det er muligt, at nogen af de funktioner, vi nævner her, muligvis ikke kommer med i en fremtidig udgivelse. Dette skyldes, at disse funktioner i øjeblikket ikke er implementeret i live-builden og kan trækkes til enhver tid af udviklerne i en fremtidig build.
For de uvidende er Novi en digital tegnebog fra WhatsApps moderselskab, der bruger digitale valutaer til at forenkle internationale pengeoverførsler. Tjenesten er i øjeblikket tilgængelig i USA og Guatemala for at sende og modtage penge ved hjælp af Pax Dollar (USDP) - en stabil kryptovaluta, der understøttes en-til-en af den amerikanske dollar. Med sin seneste navneændring, Facebook Meta meddelte, at det er samle alle sine betalings- og finansielle tjenester under Novi-mærket, og WhatsApp ser også ud til at være klar til denne ændring.
Vi har set nye kodelinjer i WhatsApp beta, der peger mod Novi-integrationen. Strengene afslører, at WhatsApp snart vil lade brugere tilføje deres Novi-konti til tjenesten for at overføre penge internationalt.
Nye strenge i WhatsApp beta
<stringname="novi_advantage">Send money instantly and securely to anyone in the world — for free. Built for libra, a digital currency.string>
<stringname="novi_bloks_doc_upload_failed_message">There was an issue uploading your document. Try submitting it again.string>
<stringname="novi_camera_permission_granted_before">"To help Novi verify your identity, WhatsApp will access your device's camera and stored media. You can deny access at any time. Novi encrypts and securely stores your photo or video."string>
<stringname="novi_camera_permission_need_both">"To help Novi verify your identity, give WhatsApp access to your device's camera and stored media. You can deny access at any time. Novi encrypts and securely stores your photo or video."string>
<stringname="novi_camera_permission_need_both_previous_decline">"To help Novi verify your identity, go to settings and give WhatsApp access to your device's camera and storage. You can deny access at any time. Novi encrypts and securely stores your photo or video."string>
<stringname="novi_camera_permission_need_both_previous_decline_v30">"To help Novi verify your identity, go to settings and give WhatsApp access to your device's camera and files and media. You can deny access at any time. Novi encrypts and securely stores your photo or video."string>
<stringname="novi_camera_permission_need_camera">"To help Novi verify your identity, give WhatsApp access to your device's camera. You can deny access at any time. Novi encrypts and securely stores your photo or video."string>
<stringname="novi_camera_permission_need_camera_previous_decline">"To help Novi verify your identity, go to settings and give WhatsApp access to your device's camera. You can deny access at any time. Novi encrypts and securely stores your photo or video."string>
<stringname="novi_camera_permission_need_storage">"To help Novi verify your identity, give WhatsApp access to your device's stored media. You can deny access at any time. Novi encrypts and securely stores your photo or video."string>
<stringname="novi_camera_permission_need_storage_previous_decline">"To help Novi verify your identity, go to settings and give WhatsApp access to your device's storage. You can deny access at any time. Novi encrypts and securely stores your photo or video."string>
<stringname="novi_camera_permission_need_storage_previous_decline_v30">"To help Novi verify your identity, go to settings and give WhatsApp access to your device's files and media. You can deny access at any time. Novi encrypts and securely stores your photo or video."string>
"novi_description">Sign up for Novi to send money across the world instantly—with no fees. Novi is a secure digital wallet from Facebook that you can use on WhatsApp.</string>
<stringname="novi_download_info">Download your informationstring>
<stringname="novi_download_info_desc">Get a copy of your Novi information.string>
<stringname="novi_esign_agreement">E-Sign agreementstring>
<stringname="novi_fingerprint">Log in using device securitystring>
<stringname="novi_fingerprint_description">Log into Novi on WhatsApp using your fingerprint instead of your password. %1$sstring>
<stringname="novi_fingerprint_password_bypass">Use Novi Passwordstring>
<stringname="novi_fingerprint_start">Confirm fingerprintstring>
<stringname="novi_fingerprint_title">Log into Novistring><stringname="novi_hide_transaction_limitation_info">"Your Novi account access is limited, so your Novi transactions can't be viewed."string>
<stringname="novi_hub_all_transactions">All Novi transactionsstring>
<stringname="novi_invite_contact_ineligible">To receive a payment, %s needs to set up payments in WhatsAppstring>
<stringname="novi_manage_top_up_card">Manage default cardstring>
<stringname="novi_manage_top_up_card_desc">"When you don't have enough money in your Novi balance to complete a transaction, your default card will be used to cover the difference."string>
"novi_payment_invite_bottom_sheet_title">Invite %1$s to useNovistring>
<stringname="novi_payment_invite_status_text_inbound">"%1$s invited you to set up a Novi account so you can send and receive money. They'll be notified when you're ready."string>"novi_payment_invite_status_text_outbound">You invited %1$s to useNoviforpayments.string>
<stringname="novi_payment_methods">Novi payment methodsstring>
<stringname="novi_payment_multi_invite_bottom_sheet_body">To send and receive payments, people need to set up Novi accounts on WhatsApp.string>
<stringname="novi_payment_multi_invite_bottom_sheet_title">Send payment invitesstring>
<stringname="novi_payment_multi_invite_title">Send invites to use Novistring><stringname="novi_payment_transaction_details_powered_by_label">Powered by Novistring>
<stringname="novi_payment_transaction_details_receiver_status_desc_success">Payment is in your Novi balance.string>
<stringname="novi_payment_transaction_details_refund_desc_claim_approved">We returned money to your account as part of your claim.string>
<stringname="novi_payment_transaction_details_refund_desc_novi_declined_transaction">We returned money to your account for a transaction that went against our Terms of Service or Policies.string><stringname="novi_remove_account_description">Stop using Novi for payments on WhatsApp but keep your Novi account open.string>
<stringname="novi_remove_account_title">Remove Novi from WhatsAppstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_capture_instructions_one">Raise your phone up to eye level.string>
<stringname="novi_selfie_capture_instructions_three">Avoid shadows and remove hats, sunglasses and masks.string>
<stringname="novi_selfie_capture_instructions_title">Before you start recordingstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_capture_instructions_two">Place your face in the oval.string>
<stringname="novi_selfie_display_tilt_head_down">Tilt downstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_display_tilt_head_up">Tilt upstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_display_turn_head_left">Turn leftstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_display_turn_head_right">Turn rightstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_follow_face_instruction">Turn your head in the same direction as the facestring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_review_and_submit">Review and submitstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_review_instruction">Make sure your face is fully visible and moving in the correct directionsstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_review_retake">Retake Videostring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_review_submit">Submit Videostring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_security_disclaimer">This video will be encrypted and securely stored by Novi.string>
<stringname="novi_selfie_start_selfie_capture">Record Videostring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_tts_tilt_head_down">Tilt your head downstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_tts_tilt_head_up">Tilt your head upstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_tts_turn_head_left">Turn your head leftstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_tts_turn_head_right">Turn your head rightstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_upload_in_background">Upload in backgroundstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_upload_media">Novi: uploading videostring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_upload_media_failed">There was an issue uploading your video. Try submitting it again.string>
<stringname="novi_selfie_upload_progress_description">"This could take up to one minute. You can continue using WhatsApp while this uploads in the background. We'll let you know when it's finished."string>
<stringname="novi_selfie_uploading">Uploading selfie…string>
<stringname="novi_selfie_verify_failed">"Novi couldn't verify your video selfie. Retake it to gain access to your Novi account."string>
<stringname="novi_selfie_verify_in_background">Verify in backgroundstring>
<stringname="novi_selfie_verify_progress_description">"This could take up to one minute. You can continue using WhatsApp while this verifies in the background. We'll let you know when it's finished."string>
<stringname="novi_selfie_verify_success">Your video selfie has been verified and you are now logged in to your Novi account.string>
Læs mere
Strengene angiver klart, at brugere skal indsende identitetsdokumenter for at begynde at bruge Novi til betalinger. Brugere skal også indsende en video-selfie til identitetsbekræftelse. WABetaInfo har også plettede beviser af Novi-integrationen og delte følgende skærmbillede, som giver os vores første kig på funktionen.
Det er værd at nævne, at Novis hjemmeside også angiver, at brugere bliver nødt til at bekræfte deres identitet ved hjælp af et gyldigt offentligt udstedt billed-id for at bruge den digitale tegnebog. Dette bekræfter, at WhatsApp vil kræve, at brugerne indsender identitetsdokumenter for at foretage betalinger, som vi nævnte tidligere. Dette krav vil dog være begrænset til regioner, hvor WhatsApp bruger Novi til betalinger. Da WhatsApp bruger UPI i Indien, behøver indiske brugere ikke at indsende identitetsbekræftelsesdokumenter for at bruge WhatsApp Pay, da der ikke er noget, der tyder på, at denne ændring kommer til Indien.
I øjeblikket har vi ingen yderligere detaljer om Novi-integrationen. Vi vil sørge for at give dig besked, så snart det ruller ud med en fremtidig WhatsApp-opdatering.