Rebranding Android TV-a kao što je Google TV nagovijestio u Google Home 2.28

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Google Home verzija 2.28 ima nizove koji nagovještavaju da će Android TV biti rebrendiran u Google TV za nadolazeći Chromecast dongle.

Google je danas počeo s uvođenjem verzije 2.28 aplikacije Google Home. Novi nizovi unutar APK-a snažno sugeriraju da će Android TV biti rebrendiran u Google TV, barem na Googleovom nadolazećem ključu Chromecast.

Rastavljanje APK-a često može predvidjeti značajke koje bi mogle stići u budućem ažuriranju aplikacije, ali moguće je da bilo koja od značajki koje ovdje spominjemo neće biti dostupna u budućem izdanju. To je zato što ove značajke trenutno nisu implementirane u live build-u i programeri ih mogu povući u bilo kojem trenutku u budućoj verziji.

Novi nizovi, koji su ugrađeni ispod, navode "Google TV" u opisu i "atv" (Android TV) u naslovima. Još smo u svibnju čuli da Google će rebrandirati the nova verzija Android TV-a, tako da ovi nizovi u konačnici nisu iznenađujući. Ovo je, međutim, još jedan dokaz da će se ova promjena robne marke dogoditi, iako još uvijek postoji pitanje hoće li Android TV biti rebrendirana u Google TV za

svi budući televizori i set-top box uređaji s Googleovim OS-om.

<stringname="atvs_gae_wizard_template_video_description">Your services will help personalize your Google TV experience and will be saved to your Google Accountstring>
<stringname="atvs_gservices_personalization_text_collapsed">Google TV uses your activity from across Google to improve your recommendations.string>
"atvs_gservices_personalization_text_expanded">Google TV uses your activity from other Google products and services, like Google Search, to improve your recommendations. Your activity on Google TV will also be used to improve your recommendations on other Google products. You can view and control the data shared between Google products at You can also hide personalized recommendations on Google TV by enabling Apps only mode from the Chromecast on-device settings.</string>
<stringname="delete_structure_message_atv">"Deleting this home won't disconnect your Google TV account. You'll have to remove your account from this home's Google TVs, or sign out at %1$s"string>
<stringname="managers_remove_other_message_atv">"Removing this person from this home won't disconnect their Google TV account. They'll have to remove it from this home's Google TVs, or sign out at %1$s"string>
<stringname="managers_remove_self_message_atv">"Removing yourself from this home won't disconnect your Google TV account. You'll have to remove it from this home's Google TVs, or sign out at %1$s"string>
<stringname="settings.android_tv_delete_account_body">"You may want to remove it from this home's Google TVs, or sign out at"string>
<stringname="settings_android_tv_delete_account_title">"If you have a Google TV account, it won't be disconnected"string>
"settings_remove_device_from_home_body_atv">This device will be removed fromthis home and unlinked from your Google TV account. Removing this device will not disconnect your Google TV account, if you have one.</string>

Još jedan niz povezuje brend Chromecast s Android TV-om. Curenje u maloprodaji ranije ovog tjedna otkrio je da će se Googleov nadolazeći dongle uređaj zvati "Google Chromecast s Google TV-om". Donji niz spominje "Chromecast uređaj" u izjavi TOS "Android TV".

"google_android_tv_tos_statement">"By clicking “Accept”, you agree to the %1$s and the %2$s.
Google Terms of Service also applies to your useof Assistant. The %3$s describes how Google handles information generatedas you use Google Services.

Your Chromecast device may automatically receive and install updates and apps from Google. Someof these apps may offer optional in-app purchases. You can remove them or adjust their permissions atanytimefrom the Chromecast on-device settings.

Google also collects and temporarily stores the voice and audio history from microphone useto improve the product experience."

Ažuriranje Google Home 2.28 također nastavlja rad na integraciji sve više i više Nestovih značajki. Postoje nove aktivnosti za postavljanje rutina Kod kuće i Odsutni i aktiviranje otkrivanja prisutnosti kod kuće.

Očekuje se da će Google predstaviti novi Chromecast 30. rujna uz Pixel 5, Pixel 4a 5G i novi Nest pametni zvučnik. Već smo pokazali kakav se očekuje da će biti dizajn ključa i novi Android TV softver. Također smo već podijelili očekivane specifikacije hardvera, a ranija curenja podataka u maloprodaji također su otkrila moguću početnu cijenu ključa. Sve što je ostalo je potvrda ovih detalja na Googleovom nadolazećem događaju.

Google HomeProgramer: Google LLC

Cijena: besplatno.


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