Rastavljanje Google Play igara v.2020.03.16839 otkrilo je nizove koda koji ističu nadolazeći popis prijatelja za novu značajku Play Together.
Google Play igre možda nisu jedna od najpopularnijih aplikacija tvrtke, ali Google se trudi da aplikaciju ažurira novim značajkama. Bila je to jedna od najranijih aplikacija tvrtke primi tamnu temu a Google ga je čak izbacio veliki remont dizajna za aplikaciju prošle godine. Ranije ove godine u veljači, uklanjanje APK-a aplikacije otkrilo je nadolazeću značajku koja bi obavijestiti korisnike o Googleovoj igrici tjedna. Sada, rastavljanje najnovije verzije Google Play igara (v2020.03.16839) otkrilo je još nekoliko značajki vrijednih pažnje koje su trenutno u fazi testiranja.
Rastavljanje APK-a često može predvidjeti značajke koje bi mogle stići u budućem ažuriranju aplikacije, ali moguće je da bilo koja od značajki koje ovdje spominjemo neće biti dostupna u budućem izdanju. To je zato što ove značajke trenutno nisu implementirane u live build-u i programeri ih mogu povući u bilo kojem trenutku u budućoj verziji.
Lista prijatelja
Lak pristup popisu prijatelja značajka je koju ćete pronaći na gotovo svakoj platformi za igranje. Pomaže vam da se povežete s prijateljima na platformi, provjerite kada su na mreži i jednostavno pošaljete pozivnice za zajedničko igranje igara. Nažalost, Google Play igre trenutačno nemaju popis prijatelja. Međutim, to bi se uskoro moglo promijeniti. Nizovi koda otkriveni u posljednjem uklanjanju aplikacije otkrivaju da tvrtka interno testira popis prijatelja za aplikaciju.
<stringname="games__profile__achievements_loading_spinny_content_description">Loading more achievements into achievements tab.string>
<stringname="games__profile__add_friend">Accept invitestring>
<stringname="games__profile__add_name">Add a namestring>
<stringname="games__profile__cancel_invitation">Cancel invitestring>
<stringname="games__profile__create_invite_url_menu_item">Create invite linkstring>
<stringname="games__profile__create_invite_url_network_error">"You're offline. Check your connection or try again later."string>
<stringname="games__profile__friends_chip_content_description">You are friends with %1$s. Remove friend.string>
<stringname="games__profile__game_over">Remove this friend?string>
<stringname="games__profile__game_over_prompt"><b> %1$s (%2$s) </b> will no longer be in your list of friendsstring>
<stringname="games__profile__game_over_prompt_without_nickname"><b> %1$s </b> will no longer be in your list of friendsstring>
<stringname="games__profile__pending_chip_content_description">Friend invitation is pending.string>
<stringname="games__profile__remove_friend_menu_item">Remove friendstring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_dialog_gamer_tag_option">Gamer ID: %1$sstring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_dialog_nickname_option">Name: %1$sstring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_dialog_title">Select the name to reportstring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_gamer_tag_submitted_message">"Thanks. We'll look into it."string>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_menu_item">Report inappropriate namestring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_nickname_submitted_message">Thanks for letting us knowstring>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation">Send invitestring>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_gamer_tag_only_button_text">No, include gamer ID onlystring>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_header">Include your name in the invite?string>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_header_for_friend_suggestions">Send friend invitestring>
"games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_prompt">Friend invites contain your gamer ID (%1$s). Including your name (%2$s) might help %3$s recognize you.
"games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_prompt_for_friend_suggestions">When you invite a suggested friend, your gamer ID (%1$s) and your name (%2$s) appear in the invite
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_real_name_button_text">Yes, include namestring>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invite_button_content_description">Invite %1$s to be friends.string>
<stringname="games__profile__tab_unknown_count">- -string>
<stringname="games__search__friends_invitation_header">Get a link to invite your friendsstring>
<stringname="games__settings__automatic_friends_list_access_denied_item_label">"Games you play can't automatically access your friends list"string>
<stringname="games__settings__automatic_friends_list_access_granted_item_label">Games you play can automatically access your friends liststring>
Kao što se i očekivalo, značajka će vam omogućiti da šaljete pozivnice svojim prijateljima iz aplikacije sa svojim igračem ID i dat će vam opciju da dodate svoje ime u pozivnicu u slučaju da vaši prijatelji ne poznaju vašeg igrača ISKAZNICA. Prihvaćanjem pozivnice vaš će se prijatelj dodati na vaš popis prijatelja, a dobit ćete i opciju da ga uklonite s popisa. U slučaju da ID igrača smatrate uvredljivim, također ćete dobiti opciju da prijavite korisnika. Osim toga, u slučaju da vaši prijatelji nemaju aplikaciju na svom uređaju, imat ćete i opciju generiranja veze s pozivnicom koju možete podijeliti kako biste bilo koga dodali na svoj popis prijatelja. Nadalje, dobit ćete i opciju dijeljenja popisa prijatelja s igrama koje igrate kako biste olakšati vam igranje s njima, međutim, igre neće imati pristup vašem popisu prijatelja do zadano.
Igrati se zajedno
Ovo nas dovodi do nadolazeće značajke Play Together koja ide ruku pod ruku s popisom prijatelja. Prema kodu, igre s pristupom vašoj listi prijatelja omogućit će vam da lako vidite sve svoje prijatelje koji igraju tu igru i igrate zajedno s njima. Vaši prijatelji također će imati opciju podijeliti svoju listu prijatelja s igrom kako bi igrali s još više ljudi.
"games__playtogether__friends_list_visibility_description">Games with access to your friends list let you see and play with friends easily. Games’ use ofthis data is subject to their < a href=https://support.google.com/googleplay/?p=games_friends_policy>privacy policies. Your friends can also share their friends list with games.
<stringname="games__playtogether__friends_list_visibility_no_description">Games will ask you for permissionstring>
<stringname="games__playtogether__friends_list_visibility_title">Can games you play automatically access your friends list? (Includes gamer IDs, not emails)string>
<stringname="games__playtogether__friends_list_visibility_yes_description">Games that you play can automatically access your friends liststring>
<stringname="games__playtogether__non_google_error">Sorry, you can only invite Googlers to dogfood this featurestring>
<stringname="games__playtogether__privacy_settings_saved_success_message">"All set. You're ready to add some friends."string>
<stringname="games__playtogether__receive_friend_invites">Receive friend invitesstring>
"games__consent__dialog_content_subtitle">See and play with friends inthis game. Access includes gamer IDs, not emails. The game’s use ofthis data is subject to their < a href=https://support.google.com/googleplay/?p=games_friends_policy>privacy policy. You can change this setting in Play Games.
"games__consent__dialog_content_title">%1$s wants to access your friends list
<stringname="games__open_invitation__clipboard_title">Play Games friend invitation linkstring>
<stringname="games__open_invitation__copy_toast">Link copiedstring>
<stringname="games__open_invitation__dialog_copy_icon_content_description">Copy friend invitation linkstring>
<stringname="games__open_invitation__dialog_share_button">Send linkstring>
<stringname="games__open_invitation__dialog_title">Invite more friendsstring>
"games__open_link_profile_toast_message">Viewing as %1$s
Kao što je ranije spomenuto, igre prema zadanim postavkama neće moći pristupiti vašem popisu prijatelja i pitat će vas za dopuštenje kad god se ta značajka objavi. Za one koji paze na privatnost, korištenje podataka s popisa prijatelja u igrama bit će podložno pravilima o privatnosti prijatelja Google Play igara. Zanimljivo je da se u kodu također spominje da trenutno značajka korisnicima dopušta samo "samo pozivanje Zaposlenici Googlea testiraju internu verziju ove značajke." Ovo potvrđuje da se značajka trenutno testira interno.
Postavke privatnosti
Uz dijeljenje popisa prijatelja, značajka Play Together također će vam omogućiti da podijelite svoju aktivnost u igrama kako bi vaši prijatelji mogli vidjeti koje ste igre igrali. Odabir vidljivosti ponudit će vam tri opcije, omogućujući vam da svoju aktivnost u igri održite privatnom, vidljivom prijateljima ili vidljivom svima. U slučaju da prestanete igrati određenu igru, također ćete dobiti opciju zabraniti igri pristup vašem popisu prijatelja.
<stringname="games__popup__connecting">Connecting to Play Gamesstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__checkup_dialog_footer_text">You can change these settings in Play Gamesstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__checkup_dialog_not_now">Not nowstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__checkup_dialog_saving_spinny_content_description">Saving your settingsstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__checkup_dialog_title">Friends and your privacystring>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_description">"Select who can see your games, rankings, and achievements. If you select “Only you,” we'll hide everything except your gamer ID."string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_everyone_description">Others on Play Games can see your activitystring>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_everyone_description_current_setting">Others on Play Games can see your activity. <b>This is your current setting.</b>string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_friends_description">Only friends you add can see your activitystring>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_friends_description_current_setting">Only friends you add can see your activity. <b>This is your current setting.</b>string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_private_description">"Other gamers (including your friends) can't see your activity"string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_private_description_current_setting">"Other gamers (including your friends) can't see your activity. <b>This is your current setting.</b>"string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_private_label">Only youstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_title">Who can see your game activity on your profile?string>
<stringname="games__privacy__play_together_intro_page_message">"See what they're playing, compete on leaderboards, and more"string>
<stringname="games__privacy__play_together_intro_page_title">Now you can add your friends in Play Gamesstring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_dialog_subtitle">Select who can see your achievements, leaderboards, and games playedstring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_dialog_title">Game activitystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_label_everyone">Everyone can see your game activitystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_label_only_friends">Only friends can see your game activitystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_label_private">Only you can see your game activitystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_selection_friends_only">Friends onlystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_selection_private">Only youstring>
<stringname="games__settings__game_friends_list_access_currently_denied">"%1$s can't access your friends list"string>
"games__settings__game_friends_list_access_currently_granted">%1$s can access your friends list
"games__settings__game_friends_list_access_denied">%1$s can no longer access your friends list
"games__settings__game_friends_list_access_granted">%1$s can now access your friends list
Ako odlučite podijeliti svoju aktivnost u igrama s prijateljima, oni će moći vidjeti svoja postignuća, ploče s najboljim rezultatima i igrane igre. Ali nećete moći pristupiti njihovoj aktivnosti u igrama dok ne promijene postavke vidljivosti i svoju aktivnost ne učine vidljivom osobama na popisu prijatelja ili svima.
Zahvaljujemo PNF softveru što nam je dao licencu za korištenje JEB Decompiler, profesionalni alat za obrnuti inženjering za Android aplikacije.