Google će prikazivati ​​upozorenja o potresu u Kaliforniji koju pokreće ShakeAlert

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Google Play usluge pripremaju se za prikazivanje ranih upozorenja za potrese duž zapadne obale Sjedinjenih Država koje pokreće ShakeAlert.

s Treći pad značajke Pixela početkom lipnja Google je dodao hrpu novih značajki u Android 10 na Pixel uređajima. Među njima, Google je dodao neka poboljšanja u aplikaciju Osobna sigurnost proširivanjem Značajka detekcije pada s Pixela 4/4XL na seriju Pixel 3 i dodavanje dvije nove značajke – "Sigurnosna provjera" za ažuriranje kontakata za hitne slučajeve o vašim gdje se nalazite ako se ne odazovete na zakazane prijave i "Upozorenja o kriznim situacijama" koja vas obavještavaju o prirodnim katastrofama u vaše područje.

Iako upozorenja o kriznim situacijama nisu za bilo koju specifičnu vrstu prirodnih katastrofa, Google se priprema dodati mehanizam upozorenja posebno za potrese. Uočili smo reference u Google Play uslugama 20.26.12 beta koje je tvrtka dodala za upozorenja o potresima posebno u Kaliforniji. Ova upozorenja pokreće ShakeAlert, usluga koja pruža rana upozorenja o potresima posebno za Zapadna obala.

Rastavljanje APK-a često može predvidjeti značajke koje bi mogle stići u budućem ažuriranju aplikacije, ali moguće je da bilo koja od značajki koje ovdje spominjemo neće biti dostupna u budućem izdanju. To je zato što ove značajke trenutno nisu implementirane u live build-u i Google ih može povući u bilo kojem trenutku u budućoj verziji.

U rastavljanju APK-a Google Play usluga 20.26.12 beta, pronašli smo sljedeće nizove koji upućuju na značajke i njihove aplikacije:

<stringname="about_details">Earthquake alerts and info are provided by Google & ShakeAlert®.string>
<stringname="about_details_link">Learn more or change settingsstring>
<stringname="demo_take_action_title">Earthquake Demostring>
<stringname="distance_to_epicenter_km">%.1f km awaystring>
<stringname="distance_to_epicenter_mile">%.1f miles awaystring>
<stringname="google_setting_eew_nearby_notification">Earthquake Nearby Notificationstring>
<stringname="google_setting_eew_occurred_notification">Earthquake Occurred Notificationstring>
<stringname="google_setting_take_action">Take action alertstring>
<stringname="google_setting_take_action_delay">Take action alert after 3 minutesstring>
<stringname="local_map_source">Source: ShakeAlert®string>
<stringname="quake_notification_high_importance_channel_name">Earthquake Early Warning Alertstring>
<stringname="quake_notification_low_importance_channel_name">Earthquake Early Warning Updatesstring>
<stringname="ealert_activity_debug_google_setting_title">EEW System Debugstring>
<stringname="ealert_latest_update_search_word">earthquake near mestring>
<stringname="ealert_local_map_magnitude">Est. mag %.1f earthquakestring>
<stringname="ealert_more_safety_tips">More safety tipsstring>
<stringname="ealert_nearby_notification_text"formatted="false">Expect shaking. Estimated magnitude %.1f about %s away.string>
<stringname="ealert_notification_nearby">Earthquake nearbystring>
<stringname="ealert_notification_occurred">Earthquake occurred nearbystring>
<stringname="ealert_notification_sender">Google - ShakeAlert®string>
<stringname="ealert_occurred_notification_text"formatted="false">Estimated magnitude %.1f about %s away. Tap to learn more.string>
<stringname="ealert_safety_demo">See a demostring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_info_label">Earthquake safety infostring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_1">Identify hazards and secure movable itemsstring>
"ealert_safety_tip_content_10">If you live in a coastal area, relocate as soon as shaking stops to avoid tsunamis</string>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_11">" "<li>"Don't touch downed or damaged utility lines"li>"
"<li>"Don't use a damaged chimney. Approach downed or damaged chimneys with caution"li>" "string>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_12">You may receive an alert if an aftershock is expectedstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_2">Create a disaster plan and decide how you will communicate in an emergencystring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_3">Put supplies in convenient locationsstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_4">Organize important documents, fix any structural issues on your property, and consider insurancestring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_5">During an earthquake, take cover under a table and hold onstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_6">Evacuate if you smell gas or see building damage, help the injured, and stay away from anything that may fallstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_7">Reach out to others, take pictures of any damage, and contact your insurancestring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_8">If water is shut off, use emergency supplies like a water heater or melted ice cubesstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_content_9">" "<li>"Put out small fires. If you can't, evacuate."li>"
"<li>Check electric, water lines, and appliances for damage. If you see a broken line, shut off the main>"
"<li>Clean up spilled medicines, drugs, or other harmful materialsli>" "string>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_page_subtitle">Source: Earthquake Country Alliancestring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_page_title">Earthquake safety stepsstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_1">1. Secure your spacestring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_10">Move to higher groundstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_11">Avoid fallen objectsstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_12">Expect aftershocksstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_2">2. Make a planstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_3">3. Organize disaster suppliesstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_4">4. Minimize financial hardshipstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_5">5. Drop, cover, and hold onstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_6">6. Act quickly and cautiouslystring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_7">7. Reconnect and restorestring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_8">Get your emergency suppliesstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tip_title_9">Use caution when cleaning upstring>
<stringname="ealert_safety_tips_title">Learn earthquake safety tipsstring>
<stringname="ealert_settings_detected_text">"You'll get an alert with the estimated magnitude and distance from your location"string>
<stringname="ealert_settings_detected_title">When an earthquake is detected nearbystring>
<stringname="ealert_settings_how_it_works_body_2_text">"Keep in mind:
"<li>Not all earthquakes can be detectedli>"
"<li>Magnitude and shaking intensity estimates may have errorsli>"
"<li>You may receive an alert before, during, or after shaking beginsli>"
<stringname="ealert_settings_how_it_works_body_text">Android uses your approximate location to send information about nearby earthquakes. Earthquakes are detected by ShakeAlert®.string>
<stringname="ealert_settings_how_it_works_title">How it worksstring>
<stringname="ealert_stay_safer_content_1">Before going anywhere, even to the next roomstring>
<stringname="ealert_stay_safer_content_2">"If you smell gas, turn off the gas main to the building. If you can't, evacuate."string>
<stringname="ealert_stay_safer_content_3">Check for cracks and damage. Evacuate if it looks like the building may collapse.string>
<stringname="ealert_stay_safer_title">Stay safer after an earthquakestring>
<stringname="ealert_stay_safer_title_1">Get shoesstring>
<stringname="ealert_stay_safer_title_2">Check gasstring>
<stringname="ealert_stay_safer_title_3">Avoid damaged buildingsstring>
<stringname="ealert_take_action_magnitude">Estimated magnitude %.1fstring>
<stringname="ealert_take_action_next_steps">Tap for next stepsstring>
<stringname="ealert_take_action_source">Google alert powered by ShakeAlert®string>
<stringname="eew_update_link">See latest updatesstring>

Značajka upozorenja o potresu trebala bi dijeliti pojedinosti, uključujući vašu udaljenost od epicentra savjete o tome kako vas zaštititi kao i radnje koje treba slijediti u slučaju da morate evakuirati prostorijama.

Osobna sigurnostProgramer: Google LLC

Cijena: besplatno.


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