Google Play Spil antyder at tilføje en venneliste til en ny "Spil sammen"-funktion

En nedrivning af Google Play Spil v.2020.03.16839 har afsløret kodestrenge, der fremhæver en kommende venneliste til en ny Play Together-funktion.

Google Play Spil er måske ikke en af ​​virksomhedens mest populære apps, men Google gør det til et punkt at holde appen opdateret med nye funktioner. Det var en af ​​de tidligste apps fra virksomheden til modtage et mørkt tema og det Google udrullede endda en større designeftersyn til appen sidste år. Tidligere i år i februar afslørede en APK-nedrivning af appen en kommende funktion, der ville underrette brugerne om Googles valgte Ugens spil. Nu har en nedrivning af den seneste version af Google Play Spil (v2020.03.16839) afsløret et par mere bemærkelsesværdige funktioner, som i øjeblikket testes.

En APK-teardown kan ofte forudsige funktioner, der kan ankomme i en fremtidig opdatering af en applikation, men det er muligt, at nogen af ​​de funktioner, vi nævner her, muligvis ikke kommer med i en fremtidig udgivelse. Dette skyldes, at disse funktioner i øjeblikket ikke er implementeret i live-builden og kan trækkes til enhver tid af udviklerne i en fremtidig build.


En let tilgængelig venneliste er en funktion, du vil finde på stort set enhver spilplatform. Det hjælper dig med at oprette forbindelse til venner på platformen, tjekke, hvornår de er online, og nemt sende invitationer til at spille spil sammen. Desværre har Google Play Spil i øjeblikket ikke en venneliste. Det kan dog snart ændre sig. Kodestrenge opdaget i den seneste nedrivning af appen afslører, at virksomheden internt tester en venneliste til appen.

<stringname="games__profile__achievements_loading_spinny_content_description">Loading more achievements into achievements tab.string>
<stringname="games__profile__add_friend">Accept invitestring>
<stringname="games__profile__add_name">Add a namestring>
<stringname="games__profile__cancel_invitation">Cancel invitestring>
<stringname="games__profile__create_invite_url_menu_item">Create invite linkstring>
<stringname="games__profile__create_invite_url_network_error">"You're offline. Check your connection or try again later."string>
<stringname="games__profile__friends_chip_content_description">You are friends with %1$s. Remove friend.string>
<stringname="games__profile__game_over">Remove this friend?string>
<stringname="games__profile__game_over_prompt"><b> %1$s (%2$s) </b> will no longer be in your list of friendsstring>
<stringname="games__profile__game_over_prompt_without_nickname"><b> %1$s </b> will no longer be in your list of friendsstring>
<stringname="games__profile__pending_chip_content_description">Friend invitation is pending.string>
<stringname="games__profile__remove_friend_menu_item">Remove friendstring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_dialog_gamer_tag_option">Gamer ID: %1$sstring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_dialog_nickname_option">Name: %1$sstring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_dialog_title">Select the name to reportstring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_gamer_tag_submitted_message">"Thanks. We'll look into it."string>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_menu_item">Report inappropriate namestring>
<stringname="games__profile__report_abuse_nickname_submitted_message">Thanks for letting us knowstring>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation">Send invitestring>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_gamer_tag_only_button_text">No, include gamer ID onlystring>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_header">Include your name in the invite?string>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_header_for_friend_suggestions">Send friend invitestring>
"games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_prompt">Friend invites contain your gamer ID (%1$s). Including your name (%2$s) might help %3$s recognize you.
"games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_prompt_for_friend_suggestions">When you invite a suggested friend, your gamer ID (%1$s) and your name (%2$s) appear in the invite
<stringname="games__profile__send_invitation_dialog_real_name_button_text">Yes, include namestring>
<stringname="games__profile__send_invite_button_content_description">Invite %1$s to be friends.string>
<stringname="games__profile__tab_unknown_count">- -string>
<stringname="games__search__friends_invitation_header">Get a link to invite your friendsstring>
<stringname="games__settings__automatic_friends_list_access_denied_item_label">"Games you play can't automatically access your friends list"string>
<stringname="games__settings__automatic_friends_list_access_granted_item_label">Games you play can automatically access your friends liststring>

Som forventet vil funktionen give dig mulighed for at sende invitationer til dine venner fra appen med din spiller ID, og ​​det giver dig mulighed for at tilføje dit navn til invitationen, hvis dine venner ikke kender din spiller ID. Hvis du accepterer invitationen, føjes din ven til din venneliste, og du får også mulighed for at fjerne dem fra din liste. Hvis du finder et spiller-id stødende, får du også mulighed for at rapportere brugeren. Derudover, hvis dine venner ikke har appen på deres enhed, har du også mulighed for at generere et invitationslink, som du kan dele for at tilføje nogen til din venneliste. Derudover får du også mulighed for at dele din venneliste med de spil, du spiller for at gøre det gør det nemmere for dig at spille med dem, dog vil spil ikke have adgang til din venneliste med Standard.

Lege sammen

Dette bringer os til den kommende Play Together-funktion, der går hånd i hånd på vennelisten. I henhold til koden vil spil med adgang til din venneliste give dig mulighed for nemt at se alle dine venner, der spiller det spil og spiller sammen med dem. Dine venner vil også have mulighed for at dele deres venneliste med spillet for at spille med endnu flere mennesker.

"games__playtogether__friends_list_visibility_description">Games with access to your friends list let you see and play with friends easily. Games’ use ofthis data is subject to their < a href=>privacy policies. Your friends can also share their friends list with games.
<stringname="games__playtogether__friends_list_visibility_no_description">Games will ask you for permissionstring>
<stringname="games__playtogether__friends_list_visibility_title">Can games you play automatically access your friends list? (Includes gamer IDs, not emails)string>
<stringname="games__playtogether__friends_list_visibility_yes_description">Games that you play can automatically access your friends liststring>
<stringname="games__playtogether__non_google_error">Sorry, you can only invite Googlers to dogfood this featurestring>
<stringname="games__playtogether__privacy_settings_saved_success_message">"All set. You're ready to add some friends."string>
<stringname="games__playtogether__receive_friend_invites">Receive friend invitesstring>
"games__consent__dialog_content_subtitle">See and play with friends inthis game. Access includes gamer IDs, not emails. The game’s use ofthis data is subject to their < a href=>privacy policy. You can change this setting in Play Games.
"games__consent__dialog_content_title">%1$s wants to access your friends list
<stringname="games__open_invitation__clipboard_title">Play Games friend invitation linkstring>
<stringname="games__open_invitation__copy_toast">Link copiedstring>
<stringname="games__open_invitation__dialog_copy_icon_content_description">Copy friend invitation linkstring>
<stringname="games__open_invitation__dialog_share_button">Send linkstring>
<stringname="games__open_invitation__dialog_title">Invite more friendsstring>
"games__open_link_profile_toast_message">Viewing as %1$s

Som tidligere nævnt vil spil som standard ikke kunne få adgang til din venneliste og vil bede dig om tilladelse, når funktionen frigives. Af hensyn til privatlivsbevidste vil spils brug af dine vennelistedata være underlagt Google Play Spils venners privatlivspolitik. Interessant nok nævner koden også, at funktionen i øjeblikket kun tillader brugere at "kun invitere Googlere til dogfood denne funktion." Dette bekræfter, at funktionen i øjeblikket er ved at blive testet internt.


Ud over at dele din venneliste vil Play Together-funktionen også lade dig dele din spilaktivitet, så dine venner kan se, hvilke spil du har spillet. Synlighedsvalget vil præsentere dig for tre muligheder, så du enten kan holde din spilaktivitet privat, synlig for venner eller synlig for alle. Hvis du stopper med at spille et bestemt spil, får du også mulighed for at nægte spillet adgang til din venneliste.

<stringname="games__popup__connecting">Connecting to Play Gamesstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__checkup_dialog_footer_text">You can change these settings in Play Gamesstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__checkup_dialog_not_now">Not nowstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__checkup_dialog_saving_spinny_content_description">Saving your settingsstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__checkup_dialog_title">Friends and your privacystring>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_description">"Select who can see your games, rankings, and achievements. If you select “Only you,” we'll hide everything except your gamer ID."string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_everyone_description">Others on Play Games can see your activitystring>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_everyone_description_current_setting">Others on Play Games can see your activity. <b>This is your current setting.</b>string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_friends_description">Only friends you add can see your activitystring>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_friends_description_current_setting">Only friends you add can see your activity. <b>This is your current setting.</b>string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_private_description">"Other gamers (including your friends) can't see your activity"string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_private_description_current_setting">"Other gamers (including your friends) can't see your activity. <b>This is your current setting.</b>"string>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_private_label">Only youstring>
<stringname="games__privacy__game_activity_title">Who can see your game activity on your profile?string>
<stringname="games__privacy__play_together_intro_page_message">"See what they're playing, compete on leaderboards, and more"string>
<stringname="games__privacy__play_together_intro_page_title">Now you can add your friends in Play Gamesstring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_dialog_subtitle">Select who can see your achievements, leaderboards, and games playedstring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_dialog_title">Game activitystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_label_everyone">Everyone can see your game activitystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_label_only_friends">Only friends can see your game activitystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_label_private">Only you can see your game activitystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_selection_friends_only">Friends onlystring>
<stringname="games__settings__friends_visibility_selection_private">Only youstring>
<stringname="games__settings__game_friends_list_access_currently_denied">"%1$s can't access your friends list"string>
"games__settings__game_friends_list_access_currently_granted">%1$s can access your friends list
"games__settings__game_friends_list_access_denied">%1$s can no longer access your friends list
"games__settings__game_friends_list_access_granted">%1$s can now access your friends list

Hvis du vælger at dele din spilaktivitet med venner, vil de kunne se deres præstationer, ranglister og spillede spil. Men du vil ikke kunne få adgang til deres spilaktivitet, før de ændrer synlighedsindstillingerne og gør deres aktivitet synlig for enten personer på deres venneliste eller alle.

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